Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September Notes

Garden Holiday was a smashing success! And now we have finally got back to the business at hand.  A reminder about re-blooming (remontant) Iris for your garden. Two worthwhile varieties pictured here are 'Feedback' and 'Immortality'. 

Nice to see a second flush in the fall after the May bloom we are all accustomed to.  Sit them in a warm sunny spot and keep up the watering and tending to all summer for this autumnal reward. These plantings cause quite a stir here as gardeners shake their heads and recheck the calendar.

I had the pleasure last Sunday to visit Stonecrop garden in Cold Spring, New York.  A Gunnera manicata specimen is highlighted there and I can't help myself, I have to jump into the picture to show the scale of these leaves. 

Gunnera Manicata
The plant is only marginally hardy and requires a stream side location. The Stonecrop folks go through painstaking winter preparation to keep it alive. Well worth the effort!
