Tuesday, March 20, 2012

On this first day of Spring

Lucky me, I had the honor of visiting Cheryl Karpeichik, the Head Gardener at
White Flower Farm to share trade secrets on the culture of Tuberous
Begonias. I always say, get advice from successful people and Cheryl was
most obliging. We are pictured here in a warm propagation house looking for
signs of growth pushing up through the soil. WFF still supplies the finest
varieties the world has to offer from the House of Blackmore and Langdon in
Bristol, UK that is.

We at Mohonk raise the finest varieties from California, highlighted in
this display off the Lake Porch. I find the growing conditions to be quite
ideal there. Filtered morning sun and protection from high winds or
torrential rain is the key.

So as spring arrives one month early and gardeners are scurrying about
preparing for the season, we still take time to expand our knowledge base
and make more friends.

Featured below are English Hybrids grown by Cheryl Karpeichik, the Head Gardener of the White Flower Farm.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

More from the 2012 Philadelphia International Flower Show...

I still don't know how "they" get all these to bloom together 

Here I am with fellow panel 9 members, Marco Stufano and Judy Becker. Marco, of course known for his heralded career at Wave Hill in the Bronx and Judy has been growing and selling unique conservatory plants in her Salisbury Connecticut greenhouse for decades. We make quite a trio, although I seem to look like the jolly "brown" giant next to them.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

2012 Philadelphia International Flower Show

Check out some of the great photos I've captured yesterday while judging at the 2012 Philadelphia International Flower Show.

Talk about your vertical Salad

Yet another grand Clivia miniata lutea

Bulbs, bulbs and more bulbs

The best find from our panel. Anthurium superba

For more information about the 2012 Philadelphia International Flower Show,