Tuesday, January 31, 2012

An Affair to Remember

February 24-26, 2012 marks the 21st annual "New York in Bloom" at the New York State Museum in Albany. Over 100 floral designers exhibit each year and I was asked to do the signature piece for the upcoming event in 2012. The call came last June and the poster photography actually occurred on July 21, 2011. I can remember the day vividly as the thermometer read 101 degrees. Not so easy on Delphiniums!  Through painstaking preparation and plenty of ice, I managed to cut the flowers and get them to Albany in fine fettle. The "masterpiece" towers over 4 feet and the giant fish bowl has 3 dozen pieces of fruit. It is a thrill to see the almost life size poster hanging in the museum.  I hope you can get to the show to see how well I can replicate it, this time dealing with temperatures some 80 degrees cooler than last.

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